Capital Expenditures Vote
I wanted to take a moment and wish you all a happy holiday season. I know this is a busy time of year for everyone. The HOA has been working on 2 projects that require a vote from the membership.
The first is a dredge project that will clean out the silt pond and dredge from the edge of the peninsula to the bridge on the S curve.
After obtaining 3 estimates, Sean Edwards is giving us the best price for the project. Sean is giving us an amazing price for allowing him to work during his normal down time. His team consists of himself, his son, brother and wife. By taking a hands-on approach with his work, it allows him to complete the projects in a way that holds his high standards.
The scope of work will include creating berms around the Barnes property, the Venetian side of the lake and the peninsula. These will be encompassed by 2 layers of silt fencing. The silt pond will be completed first during the off season as weather permits. The Venetian side of the channel will happen second followed by the peninsula side of the channel and finishing on the S curve.
Sean will take out as much silt as we have room for. We’re projecting room for a complete clean out of the silt pond and approximately 6 feet of added depth to the channel and S curve. If any residents are interested in having loads of dirt for their properties, please contact me and we can arrange delivery, spreading, silt fencing, seeding and covering of the dry dirt prior to the project's beginning. I’ll be able to have pricing from Sean once we know the amount of truckloads to be delivered.
The cost of this dredging project is $150,000.
The second project is a test program for theRigero Biohealth Pod system. This will allow 4 pods delivered, training for installation and placement of the system.
The process they use is aerators attached to air hoses for water movement. The aerators have no moving parts or electricity going through them so they are safe for aquatic and humans alike. An enzyme pod is placed into the aerator and begins working at a water temperature of 42 degrees.
The upkeep required is pods will need to be changed out every 2 months discarded into the water and a new pod placed into the aeration container. The only additional maintenance required is a pull out and cleaning of the machine every year.
The HOA is asking for 2 systems to be placed around the swim beach for optimized members use and 2 to be placed in Cowan’s Cove or the south side of the peninsula for optimal testing area.
The price for 4 units, all required materials for installation, shipping, taxes and Rigero coming to train is $25,000.
I will hold informational meetings on Wednesday November 29 at 6:30 and Saturday December 2 at 1:00. Please come to learn more about the scope of the projects as well as any questions or concerns you have.
The member voting meeting will be Saturday December 9 at 1:00. Each project will be a line item vote.Your vote is very important, if you are unable to make the meeting in person, please reach out to any board member for an absentee ballot or to assign a proxy vote.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to sharing these plans for the betterment of our lake health.
Kindest regards,
Pam Freese
VGHA President