REGULATIONS #5, 14, & 26 AMENDED October 12, 2022
Two (2) ID tags will be issued to each lot owner regardless of the number of lots owned, except for those owners who have developed additional lots for rental property, in which case two additional ID tags will be given for each house. Only lot owners who have paid the current year’s maintenance assessment will be issued new ID tags. Owners will be responsible for all ID tags issued to their property.
Previous year’s ID tags will be obsolete and void and will not gain admittance to the lake.
ID tags are to be worn by the lot owners and residents and their immediate families when using the beach facilities, fishing, boating so that they may be readily identified and eliminate unnecessary embarrassment of being challenged by another member.
All guests at the beach must be accompanied by a resident of the lake, a non-resident lot owner, or a member of his/her immediate family, (as stated in #3 above), a ID tag shall be worn by the resident, non-resident lot owner, or his/her immediate family.
Lot owners and residents or their family members are not required to accompany fishing, or boating guest. However, each fishing or boating guest must have their host’s ID tag. No fishing allowed beyond the gate at the swim beach.
If you expect more than six (6) guests including children at the beach at any one time, it is required that you get permission from Two (2) of the Board of Directors.
It is preferred that swimming be done in the designated beach area only, for reasons of health and safety. A beach is provided, and water is tested for purity. Swimmers are reminded that fisherman have equal rights, but fish will not stay around areas where people swim.
NO SWIMMING after 9:00 P.M.
Dogs will not be allowed in the beach area.
Property Owners are responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests and party at all times.
You are requested to please assist in keeping the beach, lake, shoreline free of trash, bottles, cans, etc. Avoid the use of profane language when at the beach. No alcoholic beverages permitted at the beach.
It is requested that each lot owner and resident during his/her visits to the beach observe for non-residents, non-lot owners and trespassers. If any are observed, please ask them to leave the premises immediately.
All boaters and motors will be registered with the Association President, who will assign a number which is to be permanently affixed to the stern of the boat.
Fishermen are to follow all current Missouri state regulations and laws for fishing in the lake. Only minnows purchased from a regular bait house may be used in the lake. Rough minnows, such as carp, shad, or goldfish are not allowed.
All Rules and Regulations have been adopted by the Board of Directors for the use of outboard motors on the lake. These Regulations are temporary and may be changed anytime as deemed necessary by the Directors.
All Rules and Regulations of the Missouri State Conservation Commission will apply to the entire lake area.
Outboard motors may be used on the lake between the hours of 07:00 AM till sunset in the evening.
Maximum Horsepower permissible on the lake will be 7 ½ HP. It is recommended that 3 ½ or 5 HP be used.
Operators of Motorboats are to keep away from swimmers and fisherman who would be endangered by the motor or disturbed by its action.
Owners of Motors are reminded that Missouri State Laws require all Motors to be licensed with the State.
Only Motors owned by residents of the City of Houston Lake may be used on the lake.
The Maximum Speed permissible on the lake by outboards will be FIVE (5) miles per HOUR. NO WAKE.
Lot Owners delinquent in their assessments, or Renters on delinquent lots may NOT be guests of Paying Members.
NO TROT LINES, JUG LINES or unattended fishing lines are permitted.
If you wish to launch any new watercraft on the lake, it must be inspected and approved by the HOA. If a watercraft is used in any other body of water, it must be inspected by the HOA before re-entering Houston Lake.
THESE RULES HAVE BEEN ADOPTED for the BENEFIT of OWNERS, RESIDENTS, and their GUESTS. WE request your cooperation in following them to insure the utmost enjoyment of or facilities by eligible persons and their guests. We can materially assist by observing swimming and fishing regulations as outlined above.
AGAIN, all are reminded the REGULATION #18 relative to HORSEPOWER of motors is subject to change at the discretion of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS without prior notice.
REGULATION #14 pertaining to BASS size limits has temporarily been changed to BASS 8”- 12” will be kept. BASS 12” – 15” should be returned to the lake for future fish population. BASS over 15” will be “KEEPERS”. Any Catfish under 12” that has not been badly injured should be returned to the lake. This should insure better fishing for everyone in the future.