Oversight Committee, Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 13, 2023 – 6:00 PM Central Time
The meeting of the Venetian Gardens Homes Association (VGHA) Oversight Committee was
called to order by Bobbi Baker-Hughes at 6:08 PM.
Bobbi welcomed all to the meeting. Those in attendance were Bobbi Baker-Hughes, Chair;
Wendy Thompson, VGHA Board Representative; Mike Hallauer, Kay Honeycutt, and Lisa
The minutes from the May 11, 2023, meeting were approved as presented.
Our focus is still on revising the current Bylaws into language that is easier for everyone to read
and understand. We are meticulously checking each Article and Section to complete this task.
The finalization of this project is getting closer, but we just aren’t quite there yet.
The next meeting of the committee will be held the second Thursday evening in July 2023, at
6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Minutes submitted by Kay Honeycutt