Minutes 9/28/23


Oversight Committee

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, September 28, 2023 – 6:00 PM Central Time

Houston Lake, MO City Hall

The September meeting of the Venetian Gardens Homes Association (VGHA) Oversight

Committee was changed from the second Thursday evening to the fourth Thursday evening due

to several members being unable to attend. Due to technical difficulties, the meeting was called

to order by Bobbi Baker-Hughes at 6:20 PM.

Bobbi welcomed all to the meeting. Those in attendance were Bobbi Baker-Hughes, Chair;

Wendy Thompson, VGHA Board Representative; Kay Honeycutt, and Lisa Shepard. Absent; Mike


Minutes from the August 10, 2023, meeting were approved.

In preparation for our next meeting with the VGHA board, we continued to review and discuss

the Bylaws and what editing may need to be done for the next draft. We feel our hard work and

dedication to this project is getting closer to its final review.

The next meeting of the committee will be held the second Thursday evening in October 2023,

at 6:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Minutes submitted by Kay Honeycutt