Oversight Committee, Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Oversight Committee, Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 12, 2023 – 6:00 PM Central Time Via Zoom
The first meeting of the Venetian Gardens Homes Association (VGHA) Oversight Committee was called to order by Bobbi Baker-Hughes at 6:00 PM.
Bobbi welcomed all to the meeting and asked Wendy Thompson, current Vice President of the VGHA board, to introduce the members of the committee and explain the scope of the committee’s intended work. Those introduced were: Bobbi Baker-Hughes, homeowner and Chairperson of the Oversight Committee; Mike Hallauer, homeowner and past mayor of Houston Lake; Kay Honeycutt, homeowner; Lisa Shepard, homeowner; and Wendy Thompson, homeowner and current VGHA board member.
Wendy indicated the VGHA board formed the Oversight Committee to review the governing documents of the VGHA and to make recommendations to the VGHA board.
Bobbi made sure all present had received, prior to the meeting, copies of: the Amended Bylaws of the
Venetian Gardens Homes Association dated April 17, 2013; Venetian Gardens Homes Association
Official Regulations Amended July 11, 1989; Extension of Venetian Gardens Restriction Agreement dated
January 18, 1990; and the Official Ballot from the Venetian Gardens Homes Association Special Meeting
Vote for Amending Restriction Agreement, By-Laws and Regulations – October 12, 2022.
Discussion regarding how to begin the committee’s work took place. It was determined, since five (5) amended articles to the Bylaws and three (3) amended regulations to the Official Regulations were approved at the October 12, 2022, meeting of the VGHA membership, that these amended items should be incorporated into the existing Bylaws and Official Regulations. Lisa volunteered to be the scribe for the committee and begin drafts of the revised documents needed for further discussion purposes.
Bobbi indicated the next step for the committee is to review the drafts of the Bylaws and Official Regulations. Lisa hopes to get drafts of these documents, including the approved amendments, to the committee members within the next three weeks.
Bobbi asked the committee members if meeting once a month would suit the members’ schedules. The group agreed to meeting at 6:00 PM the second Thursday of each month until further notice. They agreed to review the drafts of the documents between meetings and offer comments and suggestions. The next meeting of the committee will be held the second Thursday evening in February 2023, at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Minutes submitted by Lisa A. Shepard