Oversight Committee, Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 9, 2023 – 6:00 PM Central Time Via Zoom
The meeting of the Venetian Gardens Homes Association (VGHA) Oversight Committee was called to order by Bobbi Baker-Hughes at 6:00 PM. Bobbi welcomed all to the meeting. Those in attendance were, Bobbi Baker-Hughes, Chair; Wendy Thompson, VGHA Board Representative; Mike Hallauer, Kay Honeycutt, and Lisa Shepard.
The minutes from the February 9, 2023, meeting were approved as presented.
The revision of the current Association Bylaws was still the main topic of discussion for this meeting. Each oversight committee member brought their knowledge, questions, and comments to the table for the continuation of this project. Incorporating each Article and Section into language that flows throughout is proving to be a tedious task, but we are looking forward to the greater understanding this task will bring to all.
The committee discussed how the amendments to the Bylaws and Regulations, which were approved at the October 2022 Annual Meeting, should be made available to the community. A document showing just those amendments that were approved, was presented to the committee. The committee agreed to recommend to the VGHA board that this one-page document be posted to the community’s website.
The next meeting of the committee will be held the second Thursday evening in April 2023, at
6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM.
Minutes submitted by Kay Honeycutt