Membership Letter
Please see below for the letter from our Homeowner's Association President
Dear Houston Lake Community
Our annual VGHA meeting is coming up October 21, 2023. I wanted to take a moment to share some of the board’s accomplishments of the last year.
We worked to establish a committee based system where each board member worked in a specialty area.The board chose Lake Management, ByLaws, Communications, Grants andFinance as their areas of focus. This made delegation of tasks easier as it was directed to the member active in the committee. Board members interact and provide guidance to planning committees. Committees report to the board by providing meeting minutes.
An Oversight Committee was created for the purpose of updating, streamlining and clarifying the bylaws, restriction agreement and rules and regulations. They have been working hard all year starting with the bylaws.
A website and Facebook page were created linking to the Houston Lake and Laker websites to help residents navigate and communicate with their HOA and City.
Banking needs were evaluated and the HOA ultimately moved banks and invested available resources in a premier money market account. The account earns approximately $500 per month for the HOA. We’re investigating and researching additional payment options for our members’ use. Liens were filed for significantly late dues on homes of the members. Documentation of board processes and procedures were created to ensure smooth transitions for future boards.
Restoration and protection of the dam - This became a top priority after research indicated the tall grass and shrubbery is a haven for burrowing animals. Animals such as muskrats and gophers that tunnel through ground weaken the dam and could cause the dam to collapse. Cutting down the growth and reseeding every year is the recommended plan for the future. The lake side of the dam needs to be cleared of all growth for dam stability. A grant was applied and awarded $2,208 for the work completed.
Evaluated future need and timing for grass carp to be added. Addition of the carp will be needed in 2026.
Removal of trees and scrub brush around the peninsula - this project was completed for beautification and to allow our members to enjoy their view. This will continue to be scheduled for spring and late summer.
Beach and swim area - the project to clean up, rake and make the beach usable for the summer season as well as weekly washes of the dock for members’ enjoyment. The swim dock rails were replaced for safety concerns. The boat dock ramp was replaced for member use.
Goose egg addling and scare off - during nesting season goose nest eggs are dipped in oil to prevent new offspring. In migration season, the HOA completes a series of ‘bangers and screechers' deployment using strategic placement to scare off the interloping geese.
Research for water depth measuring and increasing depth of lake - unfortunately the technology acquired from the previous board wasn’t able to work in the desired way. The previous board was unable to produce or locate the data they collected. A resident purchased their own technology and started mapping depth from around the lake to have a baseline of where we are so we can determine how much silt washes in each year. The goal is to remove more silt every year than comes in. The board is currently working on solutions and will hold a member meeting once a plan has been devised. Whistle clean out - the two whistles coming into the lake and silt pond were cleared out as they were completely clogged and water was forced around them. This project will continue with maintenance as needed.
Spillway - it was discovered the flute coming off I-29 is malfunctioning and causing a hole at the bottom of the spillway. We are working with MODOT and perhaps will need legal action in the future to repair the damage to the spillway.
Trash Can for Mayor’s Park - the trash can was damaged several years ago due to a fire. A new one has been ordered and will be installed once it arrives.
Hosted an Ice Cream Social ahead of Lake Cleanup Day. We had more volunteers than in recent years and a cleaner lake as well.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the President of your HOA for the past year and hope you recognize the success we’ve had as a board and community.
All my best,
Pam Freese VGHA President